The dog ice cream brand named ‘hot dog’ stemmed from an observation made over the summer working at Heligan Gardens. I had a lot of enquiries from customers whom I was selling ice cream, as to whether we sold ice cream for dogs. I noticed a gap in the market and an opportunity for a unique brand creation project. The brand hot dog is all about celebrating the fun you have with your dog. The mark changes depending on the breed of dog that features on that packaging, the colour of the snout also coordinates to the flavour of ice cream.

The packaging plays off of when a dog eats from a tub of ice cream and their snout is lost. The packaging gives the dog a new snout which reinforces the playfulness of the brand. The flavour of ice cream is written along the bottom of the packaging, playing off of how dogs sniffs their food. The brand positions itself in the market as fun, quirky, novelty, affordable and mainstream. People have pets because they provide humour, companionship and entertainment and the hot dog packaging reinforces this connection.

Hot dog has developed a classic flavour range: Vanilla, Strawberry and Chocolate. An extended flavour range to show that the idea can work over a number of flavours: Coconut, Caramel and Cookie Dough and also a special edition range. The special edition range is aimed at the dog as the consumer rather than the human, these flavours include: Postman, Slipper and Moggie which are Beef, Chicken and Lamb.

Ad Campaign
Hot dog's campaign shows the packaging in action and the ethos of the brand. The strap line ‘doing ice cream doggie style’ reinforces to the viewer what the product is.

Product Innovation
The product innovations orientate towards the dog as the consumer. Hot dog have used traditional mechanics that engage dogs in play to sell their ice cream, for example an ice cream ball launcher and an edible waffle bowl. The image of the dog playing with the hot dog Frisbee shows how the brand could develop in the future to other areas of the ever increasing pet market.

Service Innovation
Hot dog ice cream carts and vans have been placed in prime dog locations such as, dog parks and beaches in order to create a service and promote the product. The vans and carts play sounds that appeal to dogs such as, squeaker noises and words like ‘walkies’. I have shown the cart in a humorous setting to reinforce the brand language of hot dog.